
The Life of Erwin Fischer

Authors: Matti Bauer. Human interest - BR - 2006 - 45 min

When 60 year-old Erwin Fischer is not fishing in Spain´s Ebro reservoir, he´s at home in Teisendorf breeding birds. The fun-loving hobby fisherman was a soldier with the German armed forces until a sudden heart attack at the age of 45, forced him to make fundamental changes to his life.

Seriously ailing, he was given his pension and packed off into early retirement. He attributes the fact that he is still alive today to a heart transplant. Erwin has been living with his new heart, which came from a 20 year-old motorcyclist, for ten years now.

He´s a tough cookie, this man with the mischievous smile and irrepressible lust for life. And as one-time runner-up in the Bavarian wrestling championships he understands the importance of not letting a knock keep him down.