Lonely Country Hearts

Authors: Matti Bauer. Human interest - BR - 2002 - 45 min

All over Bavaria, farming folk are looking for a life partner. But who wants to marry a farmer? There's never much choice of partner in the village and even if there were, the idea of marrying into life on a farm is not entirely attractive.

Who wants to get up at five in the morning to muck out the stables and work seven days a week to be rewarded with a couple of days' holiday once in a blue moon? Who has the passion required for life as a farmer? Who is prepared to risk losing a whole heard to a single case of BSE? For a farmer, finding the right partner can mean more than just the difference between a happy and an unhappy ever after, it can be the making or the breaking of the farm.

Matti Bauer follows the plight of farmers, male and female, who try to deal with the problem in their different ways. He listens to their disappointments, highlights their use of creativity and hard work to avoid what many perceive to be a life of loneliness, and learns how they never give up hope of one day finding Mr or Mrs Right.